Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Herbal Solutions for Weight Loss | Health & Fitness

It is no secret that Americans need to lose weight. More than sixty million people in the United States are overweight. Obesity is currently the second highest cause of preventable death in America. There are solutions, though. A healthy lifestyle is possible, and is achievable with just a little effort.

There are innumerable ways to lose weight available. There are hundreds of diet programs, exercise plans, exercise machines, supplements and diet pills. What many overlook, though, are the benefits of herbal supplementation to lose weight and maintain health.

Although they cannot take the place of sustained, intelligent effort, herbal supplements can certainly help with weight loss. Though it can take longer to achieve the desired results, it can also be healthier. Natural herbal remedies have the potential of being safer to use than weight loss drugs.

A quick search on the internet will find dozens, or even hundreds, of herbal weight loss formulas. Keep in mind that natural does not always equate to safety. Here is a list of a few supplements that have the potential of being harmful.

Senna. This herb is a stimulant laxative present on many teas for weight loss. As a laxative, it can cause dehydration and colon irritation. You can also become dependent on it for normal bowel functioning.
Chromium Picolinate. Frequently found in herbal dieting products, chromium helps to regulate blood sugar levels. If taken in doses that are too high, though, it can lead to dehydration and chromosomal damage.
St. John?s Wort. This herb is commonly used to treat depression and anxiety. This could help to curb emotional eating that is likely to lead to weight gain. Its active ingredient is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) and, when combined with certain foods, can raise blood pressure levels by dangerous or even fatal amounts. Minor side effects include gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, and skin and eye sensitivity.

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Fadzli Lee -
About the Author:

It is no secret that Americans need to lose weight. More than sixty million people in the United States are overweight?



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Source: http://optiononeinfoseeker.com/2011/10/10/herbal-solutions-for-weight-loss/

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