Friday, June 22, 2012

Advanced Pok?mon RP: A Trainer's Destiny Revisited

Interested in a "literate" Pok?mon RP? Check this out!

Hello everyone. I am back from an extremely long hiatus (officially back; I joined and quickly dropped from RPs recently due to end of high school/start of college business), and maybe looking to try again with this RP that I did... last year I believe (my the time flies!). Anyway, I the link to it is here. I consider that very, very successful for an RP, especially when you look at how many can't even make it off the ground. Unfortunately, due to both personal issues and RP issues, it came to an unfortunate and untimely end.

This summer, I would really love to try this idea again considering I should actually have some free time now. However, it is an extremely massive undertaking, and this time around I realize that it would be absolutely impossible for me to do this myself like I tried to before. To be responsible for an entire world, a gigantic array of NPC characters, doing the battles themselves, catering to the needs of the players... honestly it's a real project for one person. So, this interest check is not only for those of you willing to participate in a Pok?mon-themed RP, but it is also to check for anyone willing to Co-GM this with me. Someone with photo-editing skills would be greatly appreciated. Someone who can stay organized and dedicate a portion of time to the RP a few days per week is a must. And of course, someone highly familiar with the Pok?mon series, or at least willing to take a crash course from a total Pok?mon nerd a professional. I'm also going to leave the link to the original interest check I did a year ago right here. Reading this should also help you to understand what exactly this RP is all about.

In summary, it is a Pok?mon game that chronicles the journeys of trainers, coordinators, evil organization members, whatever you want to be, really. However, what sets it apart from most Pok?mon RPs is the level of writing and attention to detail I expect. I expect actual moves, learned in legitimate ways according to the cartridge games, real stats taken into account... it's best to read through the linked pages if you're interested, or ask me here for more information. I believe that this has the potential to be something truly amazing; for the amount of time the original lasted, everyone seemed to enjoy it thoroughly, and players were quite disappointed when it ended from what I can gather.

So, if you enjoy Pok?mon, are willing to dedicate some time to this, shoot me a PM, reply to this thread, or in whatever way show me that you're interested. ESPECIALLY those who might be willing to put in the extra time to Co-GM with me.

Lots of love,
Queen of Ice

ndamukong suh ndamukong suh aptera aptera national defense authorization act national defense authorization act seven days in utopia

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