Thursday, November 24, 2011

Galaxy Nexus 'volume bug' on EDGE networks captured on video

Read our Galaxy Nexus Review!

Android Central

We've received several tips about a possible bug on the new Samsung Galaxy Nexus (check our review) which results in the phone schizophrenically switching between volume modes, or randomly muting itself. During the course of our review we didn't notice this at all, but today we received a tip suggesting it could have something to do with the EDGE (2G) radio. As such, we set our Nexus to 2G-only mode, and sure enough, when switching between EDGE and 3G or EDGE and Wifi, we found that our unit fell victim to the glitch, too.

Right now we're guessing that something about the way the EDGE radio works is interfering with the volume rocker, causing the down volume key to be triggered repeatedly. There've also been suggestions that only 900MHz EDGE networks are affected, but we haven't been able to confirm this.

In any case, we've got the whole thing captured on video. Hit the jump if you want to take a look.

Thanks to Andrew and everyone who sent this in!

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