Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Hackers of the Future Will Hack Into Your SmartPhone Scent-o ...

Have you heard about the new smell-o-matic features which are coming soon to a computer game, tablet, laptop, SmartPhone, or PC near you? Well, there has been a little bit of publicity on these new tech innovations which will allow a user to entertain their sense of smell while they are watching a music video, playing a computer game, viewing a movie, or even watching a commercial on their iPad, iPhone, or other personal tech device.

Indeed, with all the innovation and Apps available these days, it was only a matter of time until it was perfected. Well, here we are and the prototypes work well, and soon these features will be integrated into all of our personal tech toys. Now then, this is great yes, but ?What If? the hackers break into your computer or tech device and then play a prank on you?

Consider if you will how terrible it would be if hackers hacked your smell-o-matic and made it smell like dog crap, when it was supposed to smell like Diet Cherry Coke. In fact, although just a hacker?s prank, it would really be a bummer for the user, as you couldn?t go anywhere if you smelled like a skunk for instance?

Yes, maybe it might be a good way to catch terrorists, hack their smart phone make them smell, just like bank robbers when the red dye pack explodes, they are all red, and stick out in a crowd, and the money can never be used, as it is red too. But people with asthma or kids with autism would be challenged if their smart phones were hacked, so they?d want that feature turned off.

Did you know that the military has smell sensor technology which could be used in an Attack Helicopter as a warning system; this makes sense due to sensory perception overload and problems with target affixation within a night-system. And surely we wouldn?t want those systems to get hacked and read a false positive of a shoulder-launched, heat-seeking, hand-held anti-aircraft missile lock as if one was coming at them.

Not long ago, I was discussing the need for hacker-proof security with these new smell-o-matic technologies regardless of application, and a fellow think tanker, Troy LaClaire, stated;

?Like most technology there are good things and bad things. To prevent hackers from accessing, you really need to lock it down, however on the flip side I am also for people being able to do whatever they want with something that they own.?

Of course he?s right isn?t he, and we can?t hold back these technologies just because they will be the obvious target of hacking pranks. After all, the commercial applications are endless. For instance, restaurant advertisers around lunchtime, will want to send you the charbroiled smell of their Western bacon cheeseburger, whenever you go close to a nearby Carl?s Jr. restaurant, right?

Troy concurs stating; ?Yes, that would be effective, however may be necessary to work in a system for users to be able to turn the units off, as sometimes it?s not exactly appropriate.?

Yah, especially if they are in a ?Weight Watchers? seminar! Ha ha ha. Anyway, I hope you will all please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 23,777 articles by 7 PM on June 27, 2011 is going to be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

View the original article here


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