Friday, September 30, 2011

Animals and the afterlife: The dead pets who get in touch with their ...

Animals and the afterlife: The pets who get in touch with their owners long after they?ve gone to the big field in the sky

3:41 PM on 29th September 2011

Animal lover: Kim Sheridan spoke to dozens of communicators to gather stories for her book Animals And The Afterlife

Animal lover: Kim Sheridan spoke to dozens of ?communicators? to gather stories for her book Animals And The Afterlife

Pet crazy: Kim with her dog, Beau

Pet crazy: Kim playing around with her dog, Beau

Strong bond: Some bonds between humans and pets are so strong they carry on into the afterlife

Strong bond: Some bonds between humans and pets are so strong they carry on into the afterlife

Read more: Animals And The Afterlife contains dozens more tales about spiritual appearances

Read more: Animals And The Afterlife contains dozens more tales about spiritual appearances

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AP Exclusive: US fugitive used real name in Africa

In this photo released by Noticias de Colares on Thursday Sept. 29, 2011, U.S. fugitive George Wright is seen in a post office in Praia das Macas, Portugal in 2000. Wright was arrested Sept. 26, 2011 by Portuguese authorities at the request of the U.S. government after more than 40 years as a fugitive, authorities said. The FBI says Wright, who escaped the Bayside State Prison in Leesburg, N.J., in 1970, became affiliated with the Black Liberation Army and in 1972 he and his associates hijacked a Delta flight from Detroit to Miami. After releasing the passengers in exchange for a $1 million ransom, the hijackers forced the plane to fly to Boston, then on to Algeria. Wright is being held in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, pending extradition hearings. He has asked to be released while the extradition process goes forward, and the court handling the case is considering his request, according to U.S. officials. (AP Photo/Noticias de Colares)

In this photo released by Noticias de Colares on Thursday Sept. 29, 2011, U.S. fugitive George Wright is seen in a post office in Praia das Macas, Portugal in 2000. Wright was arrested Sept. 26, 2011 by Portuguese authorities at the request of the U.S. government after more than 40 years as a fugitive, authorities said. The FBI says Wright, who escaped the Bayside State Prison in Leesburg, N.J., in 1970, became affiliated with the Black Liberation Army and in 1972 he and his associates hijacked a Delta flight from Detroit to Miami. After releasing the passengers in exchange for a $1 million ransom, the hijackers forced the plane to fly to Boston, then on to Algeria. Wright is being held in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, pending extradition hearings. He has asked to be released while the extradition process goes forward, and the court handling the case is considering his request, according to U.S. officials. (AP Photo/Noticias de Colares)

In this photo released by Noticias de Colares on Thursday Sept. 29, 2011, U.S. fugitive George Wright is seen in a post office in Praia das Macas, Portugal in 2000. Wright was arrested Sept. 26, 2011 by Portuguese authorities at the request of the U.S. government after more than 40 years as a fugitive, authorities said. The FBI says Wright, who escaped the Bayside State Prison in Leesburg, N.J., in 1970, became affiliated with the Black Liberation Army and in 1972 he and his associates hijacked a Delta flight from Detroit to Miami. After releasing the passengers in exchange for a $1 million ransom, the hijackers forced the plane to fly to Boston, then on to Algeria. Wright is being held in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, pending extradition hearings. He has asked to be released while the extradition process goes forward, and the court handling the case is considering his request, according to U.S. officials. (AP Photo/Noticias de Colares)

A Portuguese policeman is seen walking on the roof of the Portuguese Judiciary Police headquarters where U.S. fugitive George Wright is reportedly being held in Lisbon Thursday, Sept. 29, 2011. Wright was arrested Sept. 26, 2011 by Portuguese authorities at the request of the U.S. government after more than 40 years as a fugitive, authorities said. The FBI says Wright, who escaped the Bayside State Prison in Leesburg, N.J., in 1970, became affiliated with the Black Liberation Army and in 1972 he and his associates hijacked a Delta flight from Detroit to Miami. After releasing the passengers in exchange for a $1 million ransom, the hijackers forced the plane to fly to Boston, then on to Algeria. Wright is being held in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, pending extradition hearings. He has asked to be released while the extradition process goes forward, and the court handling the case is considering his request, according to U.S. officials. (AP Photo/ Francisco Seco)

A woman who said she was Maria Do Rosario Valente, the wife of fugitive George Wright is seen outside the house where neighbors said Wright lived in Almocagema, near Lisbon Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011. Wright was arrested Sept. 26, 2011 by Portuguese authorities at the request of the U.S. government after more than 40 years as a fugitive, authorities said. The FBI says Wright, who escaped the Bayside State Prison in Leesburg, N.J., in 1970, became affiliated with the Black Liberation Army and in 1972 he and his associates hijacked a Delta flight from Detroit to Miami. After releasing the passengers in exchange for a $1 million ransom, the hijackers forced the plane to fly to Boston, then on to Algeria. (AP Photo/ Francisco Seco)

A woman who said she was Maria Do Rosario Valente, the wife of fugitive George Wright is seen outside the house where neighbors said Wright lived in Almocagema, near Lisbon Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011. Wright was arrested Sept. 26, 2011 by Portuguese authorities at the request of the U.S. government after more than 40 years as a fugitive, authorities said. The FBI says Wright, who escaped the Bayside State Prison in Leesburg, N.J., in 1970, became affiliated with the Black Liberation Army and in 1972 he and his associates hijacked a Delta flight from Detroit to Miami. After releasing the passengers in exchange for a $1 million ransom, the hijackers forced the plane to fly to Boston, then on to Algeria. (AP Photo/ Francisco Seco)

(AP) ? A convicted American killer who disappeared after a 1972 hijacking lived openly in West Africa in the 1980s under his real name for years and even socialized with U.S. embassy officials there, a former U.S. ambassador said Thursday.

The comments by John Blacken, a retired U.S. ambassador to Guinea-Bissau, raised new questions about a decades-long FBI manhunt for George Wright, who managed to elude authorities for 41 years until being arrested Monday in Portugal.

Blacken told The Associated Press he was stunned to hear about Wright's arrest because he knew him and his wife ? who might have even worked on translation projects for the U.S. Embassy in Guinea-Bissau. But Blacken said he had no idea that Wright was a fugitive.

In Washington, the U.S. State Department had no immediate comment about Wright's time in Guinea-Bissau, a tiny country and former Portuguese colony facing the Atlantic Ocean, with a population of about 1.6 million people.

Wright's years on the lam took him across the globe ? from New Jersey to Detroit to Algeria to France to Guinea-Bissau and then Portugal, at the very least.

When Blacken served as ambassador from 1986 to 1989 in Guinea-Bissau, Wright was there as a fugitive who had escaped from jail in New Jersey while serving time for murder and was wanted in the 1972 hijacking by the Black Liberation Army of a U.S. plane to Algeria. Blacken said he was floored by this week's news about Wright's detention and his past.

"All this was a big surprise, my goodness, murder and everything else," Blacken said in an telephone interview from Bissau, Guinea-Bissau's capital. "No one imagined him being a murderer. Of course we didn't know him that well. He seemed like an ordinary person and not radical at all."

A fingerprint on Wright's Portuguese ID card was the break that led a U.S. fugitive task force to him, according to U.S. authorities. But for decades his file was in the unsolved "cold cases" section for U.S. law enforcement.

Blacken said he was never alerted by U.S. law enforcement officials about Wright's background, and never thought while ambassador that Wright might have had a shady past.

"If we had received such a cable, we would have responded," Blacken added. "He was known as George Wright here, and it's strange that (U.S. officials) never tracked him down here."

It was not clear what action, if any, Blacken could have taken in a nation that at the time was ruled by leftists very sympathetic to those it perceived as freedom fighters.

Michael Ward, head of the FBI in Newark, N.J., said it wasn't unusual that Wright could have lived undetected overseas for so long.

"Obviously communication abilities were much less back in the 70's and the 80's than they are today," Ward said. "You're dealing with someone with a common name who is living a low-key lifestyle and those factors would have contributed to him going unnoticed at the time."

Ward said New Jersey's Fugitive Task Force was able to track him down and break open the case with today's better investigative techniques and improved technology.

"It was a combination of persistence in the investigation, but also law enforcement techniques across the board have improved in the last 40 years. These days, everyone is just better at what they do," Ward said.

Ann Patterson, whose father Walter was killed by Wright in a 1962 gas station robbery in New Jersey, was surprised to learn that Wright lived in plain sight and managed to remain undetected in Guinea-Bissau using his real name.

"He just got away with everything. He was very adept at what he did. This is unreal," she said Thursday.

Blacken could not recall what sort of work Wright did in Guinea-Bissau. He knew Wright's Portuguese wife, Maria do Rosario Valente, better because she had worked as a freelance Portuguese-English translator, possibly even for the embassy.

Wright and his wife were already married when Blacken knew them, and Wright at some point moved to Portugal, where he lived for at least the last two decades. A photocopy of his Portuguese residency card listed his home country as Guinea-Bissau, but authorities are now investigating whether his residency documents are legitimate.

A woman at the Guinea-Bissau embassy in Lisbon said no one was available to comment on whether Wright obtained citizenship from the African nation, but doing so in the 1980s was relatively easy for foreigners.

Wright's arrest has generated intense media interest in Portugal, with international camera crews on Thursday staking out his pretty house on a cobbled street for the second day in a row. It sits not far from a stunning Atlantic Ocean beach in Almocageme, 28 miles (45 kilometers) west of Lisbon.

He is being held in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, pending extradition hearings and will likely remain in detention for at least several weeks while his lawyer and lawyers for the United States present their legal arguments for and against extradition, according to the president of the Lisbon court overseeing the case.

Wright has asked to be released during the process and can appeal the extradition decision to Portugal's Supreme Court and the country's Constitutional Court, a process likely to last months, the judge, Luis Maria Vaz das Neves, told The AP in an interview.

Vaz das Neves declined to provide details of the arguments made by both sides because that information is not available to the public in Portugal, but said authorities are trying to determine whether Wright's Portuguese identity documents are valid.

"The citizen is American, though he said he also has Portuguese nationality, but that remains to be resolved," Vaz das Neves said.

Blacken didn't know if Wright had obtained citizenship when he was in Guinea-Bissau, but said it wouldn't have been too hard to do.

"A person living here for over a period of time who wants to apply for citizenship can normally get it regardless of his background," Blacken said.

The leftist Socialist authorities in power Guinea-Bissau in the 1980s when Wright lived in the country might have been impressed if he had told them about his past, said Jan Van Maanen, honorary consul for the Netherlands and Britain in Guinea-Bissau.

"In the 70s and the 80s, they used to use passports and therefore nationality as something to decorate people with," said Van Maanen, a Dutch businessman who was living in Guinea-Bissau during that period.

Wright was convicted of the 1962 murder of a gas station owner in Wall, New Jersey. Authorities say Wright and three associates had already committed multiple armed robberies on Nov. 23, 1962, when he and another man shot and killed Walter Patterson, a decorated World War II veteran and father of two

Eight years into his 15- to 30-year prison term, Wright and three other men escaped from the Bayside State Prison in Leesburg, New Jersey, on Aug. 19, 1970. The FBI said Wright then joined an underground militant group, the Black Liberation Army, and lived in Detroit.

In 1972, Wright ? dressed as a priest and using an alias ? hijacked a Delta flight from Detroit to Miami along with other BLA members, police said. After releasing the plane's 86 other passengers for a $1 million ransom, the hijackers forced the plane to fly to Boston, then to Algeria, where the hijackers sought asylum.

Algeria returned the plane and the money to the United States but allowed the hijackers to stay.

Wright and the other hijackers left Algeria in late 1972 or early 1973 and settled in France, where they got jobs and lived together, according to Mikhael Ganouna, producer of the 2010 documentary "Nobody Knows my Name" about the hijacking.

But Wright left the group, and his associates were subsequently tracked down, arrested and convicted in Paris in 1976. The French government, however, refused to extradite them to the United States.

Until his arrest Monday, life was sweet for Wright in the Portuguese hamlet of Almocageme, where neighbors said he lived for at least 20 years with his wife and two children, now in their 20s.

Locals knew him as Jorge Santos, a friendly man they thought was from Africa, who spoke good Portuguese and did odd jobs. Over the years, he worked as a nightclub bouncer, a beach stall salesman and ran a barbecue chicken restaurant.

His wife answered the door Wednesday at their whitewashed house but refused to comment on her husband's arrest.


Clendenning reported from Madrid. Samantha Henry contributed from Newark, N.J. and Wayne Parry contributed from Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Associated Press


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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Finest Jet Ski on the market ? An evaluation of Seadoo and Yamaha ...

The Very best Jet Skis in the planet ? The battle is on

Are you a Seadoo Fan or A Yamaha Enthusiast ?

Looking for a new Jet Ski?

You?ve got occur to the correct location. Under is an evaluation of all the most recent Jetskis offered in the entire world by the two most well-liked brand names in the marketplace namely Seadoo and Yamaha.

As the Pit crew logistics supervisor for Ricky Sneddon of equally Workforce Seadoo and Crew Yamaha at a variety of phases in his vocation as globe champion, it was evident to me that equally make an item that just knocks the likes of Kawasaki, Polaris and Honda correct out of the drinking water.

Now I nevertheless maintain Seadoo shut to my coronary heart as I observed that the most exciting was had in the surf on a Seadoo than i care to keep in mind on the Yamaha, but thats just my impression.

The bottom line is, when you might be travelling at near to 85 mph across the drinking water on a crotch rocket, does itreally make a difference what your riding, unless of course you,re on a Seadoo with the newIntelligent Brake Process fitted. Who would have ever before assumed we would conclude up with brakes on our jet skis.Well I?m going to allow you choose which watercraft fits your persona and pocket. However for all you Kawasakilovers out there, I?m frightened you are going to have to shift alongside now simply because theres practically nothing to see right here.

Seadoo Jet Ski

The Seadoo Jet ski supplying will often be a person of the best personalised watercrafts available in the earth.Synonomous with pace, reliability, entertaining and ingenuity, Seadoo is generally striving to be the most favoured of jet ski enthuasists in the entire world jet ski industry.Recently releasing their most up-to-date variety driven by the 4-TEC Rotax powered powerplant.

Seadoo is backed by Bombardier, an earth renowned Lear Jet producer, and is the household of the ever common Rotax Powered Motor. Rotax has turn into regarded as a foremost front runner in the snowmobile, jet boat and microlight market and delivers peak functionality in their jet ski collection with an unprecedented reed valve system 2nd to none.

Yamaha Jet Ski

Yamaha has always been a frontrunner in the world of racing and produces some of the best devices to the superbike, motocross and quadbiking fraternity. With an intelligence for race layout and performance engines, Yamaha will remain a contender in the jet ski marketplace for a lot of many years to occur or for as lengthy as they come to a decision to compete for the coveted quantity one spot in jet ski globe championships.

If you are wanting to retain an effectiveness improved, take in my dust, throttle to the max variety of mindset to your personalised watercraft, no matter whether for recreational enjoyment or for aggressive causes, Yamaha Jet skis are a thought for you.

Seadoo GTI a hundred thirty

Jet ski Variety: Recreational / Household Enjoyable

Motor Specs: Basic a hundred thirty Horsepowered Rotax

Attributes: Primarily a two seater, but can be applied for an grownup and two children. Digital info onboard laptop process presenting lanyard security and fifteen perform memory. A watertight detachable storage compartment and ahead, neutral and reverse controls.

Advised Retail Selling price: Commencing at $ seven 799

Seadoo GTI SE 155 and Seadoo GTI SE 130

Jet ski Variety: Recreational / Relatives Exciting

Engine Specifications:one hundred thirty or 155 Horsepowered Rotax selections

Functions: Mostly a two seater, but can be employed for an grownup and two young children. Digital facts personal computer program presenting lanyard basic safety and 17 purpose memory incorporating a compass and water temperature operate. A watertight detachable storage compartment and forward, neutral and reverse controls. More recent capabilities consist of a fold up move on platform and wider handlebars.

Recommended Retail Price: Starting at $ 8 699 for the a hundred thirty HP AND $ nine 699 for the 155 HP

Seadoo GTX 215 and GTX 155

Jet ski Variety: Luxurious Functionality Household

Engine Specifications: 215 or 155 Horsepowered Rotax powerplant choices

Features: Mostly a two seater with a specialised touring seat, but can be applied for an grownup and two kids. More sophisticated onboard personal computer system offering lanyard security and eighteen capabilities which includes a compass. A watertight detachable storage compartment, action up foldable ladder and forward, neutral and reverse controls.

Encouraged Retail Price tag: Starting at $ ten 699 for 155 hp option to $ eleven 999 for a 215 hp solution

Seadoo GTX Restricted iS 255

Jet ski Variety: Luxury Performance Loved ones

Engine Requirements: 255 Horsepowered Rotax 4-TEC powerplant

Attributes: The greatest in the GTX variety supplies 3 adult seating like a specialised touring seat. The most advanced of watercraft programs to date including an iBR (Intelligent Brake and Reverse) capability, the new iTC (intelligent Throttle Handle) technique and iS (Intelligent Suspension upgrade). The latest state of the artwork retractable mooring line process and housed on an S3 Hull platform delivering the very best in loved ones watercraft capabilities for 2009. With several watertight detachable storage compartments,an typical step up foldable ladder and forward, neutral and reverse controls.

Proposed Retail Price: Starting at $ 16 499it stays # one in its class

Seadoo RXT IS 255

Jet ski Variety: MuscleCraft Efficiency Series

Motor Specs: 255 Horsepowered Rotax four ? TEC powerplant

Features : Fitted with the Intelligent sequence adaptions and coupled with the velocity and variability of effectiveness and muscle mass make this the greatest and most sought immediately after jet ski model of all time. Most raced model and favorite of velocity freaks the globe in excess of. If youre looking for the jet ski present for somebody who has every little thing, then this is the one.

Advised Retail Price tag: Starting up at $ 14 999 before you start off adding all the race extras youve obtained your eye on.

Seadoo RXT-X 255

Jet ski Type: MuscleCraft Performance Series

Engine Specs: 215 or 155 Horsepowered Rotax powerplant selections

Features: X series X-throttle and X- traction matting and X-racing handlebars. Fitted with a VTS (Variable Trim and Tilt Method) for planing management and a specialised consumption system, make this 1 of the quickest watercraft on the planet.Absolutely the a person you want on your double trailer.

Suggested Retail Value: Beginning at $ thirteen 699

Seadoo RXP-X 255

Jet ski Form: MuscleCraft Effectiveness Collection

Motor Specs: 255 Horsepowered Rotax powerplant with four-TEC configuration

Characteristics: If you?re hunting for the ideal jet ski that particular watercraft activity has to give, then seem no further. Everyone pulling up to the waters edge with 2 RXP -X 255?S on a double trailer will be the bees knees wherever they go.It just does not get any superior than this.

Encouraged Retail Price: Starting off at $ thirteen 399

Seadoo RXT 215

Jet ski Variety: Luxury Effectiveness Relatives

Motor Specs: 215Horsepowered Rotax powerplant

Features: Advanced onboard personal computer system supplying lanyard safety and eighteen capabilities including a compass. A watertight detachable storage compartment, move up foldable ladder and ski tow eye. An all rounder for velocity, endurance, family fun and adequate power for wakeboarding and skiing powering.

Advised Retail Cost: Commencing at $ eleven 999

Seadoo RXP 215

Jet ski Variety: Luxury Efficiency Loved ones

Engine Specs: 215 Horsepowered Rotax powerplant

Functions: Equivalent in most respects to the RXT 215, save for additional vast steering, Variable trim and tilt technique and additional computer features. Personal preference to design characteristics are personal and so is the RXP 215.

Proposed Retail Value: Starting off at $ eleven 999

Seadoo Wake 155

Jet ski Type: Luxury Sport Collection

Engine Specifications: 155 Horsepowered Rotax powerplant

Attributes: The initial of numerous firsts by Seadoo, the Wake series is goal constructed with wakeboarding and skiing in mind and provides each conceivable necessity for a day on the water. Includes a retractable ski pylon and detachable board rack. Typically a choice for deep sea anglers to retrofit for fishing employs.

Proposed Retail Price: Starting up at $ 9 999

Seadoo Wake Professional 215

Jet ski Variety: Luxury Sport Series

Engine Specs: 215 Horsepowered Rotax powerplant

Functions: Fitted with the detachable Wakeboost system technological innovation producing the ideal wake for non prevent boarding.The initially of numerous firsts by Seadoo, the Wake collection is function designed with wakeboarding and skiing in mind and presents each conceivable necessity for a day on the drinking water. Includes a retractable ski pylon and detachable board rack. Generally a decision for deep sea anglers to retrofit for fishing employs. Consists of a higher overall performance Variable Trim and Tilt program

Advised Retail Cost: Starting at $ 12 999

Yamaha Waverunner FZR

Jet ski Form: Power Class

Engine Specs: Supercharged 1812cc Four Cylinder Four Stroke

Attributes: Electronic Fuel Ignition,Adjustable Steering and Cruise Command

Encouraged Retail Cost: Beginning at $twelve 599

Yamaha Waverunner FZS

Jet ski Kind: Energy Course

Motor Specifications: Supercharged 1812cc Four Cylinder Four Stroke

Characteristics: Digital Fuel Ignition,Telescopic Steering and boarding ladder.Remote transmitter starup.

Proposed Retail Selling price: Commencing at $12 899

Yamaha Waverunner Fx SHO

Jet ski Type: Energy Course

Engine Specs: Supercharged 1812cc Four Cylinder 4 Stroke

Attributes: Electronic Fuel Ignition,Adjustable Steering and Cruise Handle

Proposed Retail Selling price: Starting up at $twelve 599

Yamaha Waverunner Fx Cruiser SHO

Jet ski Sort: Strength Course

Motor Specs: 1812cc supercharged 4 stroke four cylinder yamaha marine motor

Capabilities: Cruise Command no-Wake mode, remote transmitter startup and adjustable steering

Recommended Retail Price: Starting off at $eleven 399

Yamaha Waverunner Forex HO

Jet ski Form: Electricity Course

Engine Specs: 1812cc supercharged four stroke 4 cylinder yamaha marine engine

Functions: Cruise Management no-Wake mode, remote transmitter startup and reverse purpose

Encouraged Retail Price tag: Starting at $11 399

Yamaha Waverunner Fx Cruiser HO

Jet ski Variety: Electrical power Course

Engine Specs: Supercharged 1812cc 4 Cylinder 4 Stroke

Characteristics: Digital Fuel Ignition,Telescopic Steering and boarding ladder.Remote transmitter starup.

Proposed Retail Cost: Beginning at $eleven 899

Yamaha Waverunner VX Cruiser

Jet ski Variety: Energy Course

Engine Requirements: Supercharged 1812cc Four Cylinder 4 Stroke

Features: Digital Fuel Ignition,Telescopic Steering and boarding ladder.Remote transmitter starup.

Encouraged Retail Price tag: Starting at $twelve 899

Yamaha Waverunner VX Deluxe

Jet ski Type: Strength Class

Engine Specifications: Supercharged 1812cc Four Cylinder 4 Stroke

Characteristics: Electronic Fuel Ignition,Telescopic Steering and boarding ladder.Remote transmitter starup.

Recommended Retail Cost: Starting up at $twelve 899

Yamaha Waverunner VX Sport

Jet ski Kind: Strength Relatives Class

Engine Specifications: 1052cc 4 Cylinder 4 Stroke

Characteristics: Digital Fuel Ignition,Activity version

Encouraged Retail Selling price: Starting at $seven 899

Yamaha Waverunner VX

Jet ski Form: Relatives Waverunner Course

Motor Requirements: 1052cc Four Cylinder 4 Stroke,Double Overhead Cam, 20 valve heads

Functions: Digital Fuel Ignition and judged a single of the most popular entry degree craft in its class.

Advised Retail Price tag: Beginning at $7 699

Yamaha Superjet Standup

Jet ski Type: Stand Up Super

Motor Requirements: 701cc super two stroke two cylinder yamaha higher performance engine

Attributes: Skid plates and traction deck.

Suggested Retail Cost: Beginning at $seven 199. An experimented with and tried as effectively as tested winner in its course for just about 20 a long time.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Helicopter Economics Investing Guide: Gold and Silver Recover ...


The 'Helicopter Economics Investing Guide' is meant to help educate people on how to make profitable investing choices in the current economic environment. We have coined this term to describe the current monetary and fiscal policies of the U.S. government, which involve unprecedented money printing. This is the official blog of the New York Investing meetup.

While Americans slept, gold and silver prices plummeted in Asia. The low took place in Hong Kong? at approximately 3AM New York time when spot gold flirted with the $1540 level and silver was around $26. A strong rally then took place after the London market opened half an hour later.

By the time Monday New York trading began at 8AM, spot gold was selling for $1626 and spot silver at $28.50 an ounce.?So the average American investor wasn't?able to buy into the?carnage. The low prices set in Asia will almost certainly be tested in the future however and there is a good chance that? will take place during U.S. trading hours. As of now though, the $30 support level for silver is?history.

In the last three days, gold has experienced?it biggest drop since the 2008 Credit Crisis. Silver has had it largest decline on record. There is significant technical damage, especially for silver. On the 24-hour charts, silver has decisively broken its 325-day/65-week simple moving average -- a key line in the sand separating bullish and bearish trading behavior. This level is in the low 1400s for gold.?Silver's behavior is telegraphing that gold will almost certainly hit that level. If silver can't hold the 26 level in the future, the next stop for it will be in the 21/22 range.

What is causing the big drop in precious metals??Well, both silver and gold were extremely overbought at their highs. When this happens, a lot of traders were buying heavily on margin.?This creates?a situation where many?of them?will be forced to sell at the same time if any bad news takes place. Once the selling starts, the market cascades downward. We are seeing that with gold and silver right now. Such behavior is common in any strong rally and does not by itself indicate a bubble (that would require at least a?500% to 1000% yearly price rise for the?precious metals).

While a rising U.S. dollar during September and new margin requirements from the CME last Friday have led to precious metals selling, the big problem is in Europe. The?Greek debt?and?EU bank crisis?is causing a liquidity crunch for the big trading houses and?they are selling whatever they can to raise cash.??The inadvertent result is that investors are being given the opportunity to pick up precious metals at bargain prices. A little patience might be advisable before hitting the buy button however.

Disclosure: None

Daryl Montgomery
Author: "Inflation Investing - A Guide for the 2010s"
Organizer, New York Investing meetup

This posting is editorial opinion.?There is no intention to endorse the purchase or sale of any security.


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Obama says Republicans would 'cripple' US

President Barack Obama greets supporters after disembarking Air Force One at Boeing Field Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011, in Seattle. (AP Photo/Joe Nicholson)

President Barack Obama greets supporters after disembarking Air Force One at Boeing Field Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011, in Seattle. (AP Photo/Joe Nicholson)

President Barack Obama, right, greets guests on the tarmac during his arrival at King County International Airport/Boeing Field, Sunday, Sept., 25, 2011, in Seattle, Wash. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Barack Obama, right, smiles as he is introduced by NBA basketball hall-of-famer, Bill Russell, left, during a Democratic fundraiser at the Paramount Theater, Sunday, Sept., 25, 2011, in Seattle. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Medina Pode, left, and Andrea Torres, 21, center, who is with the NW Immigrant Youth Alliance. rally outside a fundraising event held by President Barack Obama in downtown Seattle, Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011, before the President arrived. (AP Photo/Meryl Schenker)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama took his newly combative message to the liberal West Coast on Sunday, aiming to re-energize faithful Democratic voters who have grown increasingly disenchanted with him.

The three-day trip, ending Tuesday in Denver, comes as Obama has shifted from seeking compromise with Republicans in Congress to calling out House Speaker John Boehner and others by name. The president has criticized them as obstructionists and demanded their help in passing his $447 billion jobs bill.

This approach is a relief to Democratic activists fed up by what they viewed as the president's ceding of ground to the Republicans on tax cuts and other issues when the economy has stalled and unemployment is stuck above 9 percent.

Obama's three-day trip offers him the chance to try to reassure some of his most liberal and deep-pocketed supporters with his aggressive new message as the 2012 campaign revs up.

At his first fundraiser in Seattle, Obama mixed frontal attacks on Republicans with words of encouragement intended to buck up the faithful as the 2012 campaign revs up.

"From the moment I took office what we've seen is a constant ideological pushback against any kind of sensible reforms that would make our economy work better and give people more opportunity," the president said at an intimate brunch fundraiser at the Medina, Washington state., home of former Microsoft executive Jon Shirley.

About 65 guests were paying $35,800 per couple to listen to Obama at the first of seven fundraisers he was holding from Seattle to Hollywood to San Diego on Sunday and Monday.

Obama said 2012 would be an especially tough election because people are discouraged and disillusioned with government, but he also said he was determined because so much is at stake.

The Republican alternative, Obama said, is "an approach to government that will fundamentally cripple America in meeting the challenges of the 21st century."

Obama got a friendly welcome from invited guests at his first stop. But elsewhere liberal activists were making plans to greet the president with demonstrations criticizing his policies or reminding him they want him to do more.

"We want to see Obama stand up as strongly as he can to fight for the people of this country who are working out there to make ends meet," said Kathy Cummings, communications director for the Washington State Labor Council. The council was helping organize a demonstration outside Seattle's Paramount Theater, the site of an Obama fundraiser later Sunday.

On Saturday night, Obama tried to shore up support among a key Democratic constituency when he spoke at the annual awards dinner of the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington, D.C., saying passage of his jobs plan would help African-Americans,

Black congressional leaders remain fiercely protective of the first African-American president, but in recent weeks they've been increasingly vocal in their discontent -- especially over black unemployment, which is nearly double the national average at 16.7 percent.

He acknowledged blacks have suffered mightily because of the recession, and are frustrated that the downturn is taking so long to reverse. "So many people are still hurting. So many people are barely hanging on," he said, then added: "And so many people in this city are fighting us every step of the way."

But Obama said blacks know all too well from the civil rights struggle that the fight for what is right is never easy.

"Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes," he said, his voice rising as applause and cheers mounted. "Shake it off. Stop complainin'. Stop grumblin'. Stop cryin'. We are going to press on. We have work to do."

Obama and the Republican presidential candidates are working overtime to raise campaign cash ahead of an important Sept. 30 reporting deadline that will give a snapshot of their financial strength. Obama's West Coast visit was heavy on fundraisers: two each in Seattle and the San Francisco area Sunday, followed by one in San Diego on Monday and two in Los Angeles.

He's meeting with the Silicon Valley and Hollywood elite, including an event Sunday night in Atherton, California, at the home of Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg.

The expected haul from all seven events: $4 million or more.

In addition to the fundraising, Obama scheduled a town hall-style event Monday in California's Silicon Valley, hosted by the social networking company LinkedIn. The trip ends Tuesday with a speech to supporters in Denver, where he accepted the Democratic nomination three years ago.

Obama was pushing throughout for his job proposal, which combines tax cuts, unemployment benefits and public works spending. The bill faces a hostile reception on Capitol Hill, particularly because Obama wants to pay for it with tax increases on wealthy Americans and corporations opposed by Republicans.

A top aide, David Plouffe, said the White House expects a vote in the Democratic-controlled Senate in October. "I think it's got a very good chance" of passing, despite reservations even from some in the president's own party, he told ABC television's "This Week."

If he can't persuade Congress to pass the bill, Obama has said he wants to make sure the public knows who's standing in the way.

Jobs are a major concern in California, where unemployment stands at 12.1 percent, highest of any state except Nevada.

Mark DiCamillo, director of California's Field Poll, said that's contributed to a softening of support for Obama among Democratic and independent voters. Obama's job approval rating dropped to 46 percent among Californians in a Field Poll this month. Among Democrats it was 69 percent, but that was down 10 percentage points from June.

"Californians voted for him by 24 points in 2008 and the Democrats and nonpartisans were the backbone of his support and he's losing some of that now," DiCamillo said. "I think there's a lot of frustration in California about Washington. ... They're looking for Obama to do something."

The summer's nasty debate over raising the government's borrowing limit turned off voters. Many liberals bemoaned the deal that cleared the way for a higher debt ceiling, with Obama agreeing to Republican demands for steep budget cuts without new taxes.

But Democratic supporters are heartened by the jobs plan and Obama's insistence that Congress must raise taxes to pay for it. Now they're hoping that the confrontational Obama they're seeing now is the same one they'll see through the 2012 campaign.

"We wish that his fighting spirit had been there a few months ago, but it's here now," said Rick Jacobs, head of the Courage Campaign, a progressive online organizing network in California.


Associated Press writer Erica Werner contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oct. 4: International Toot Your Flute Day, National Taco Day, Ten-Four Day, Frederick Remington???s 150th Birth Anniversary, World Space Week (ContributorNetwork)

International Toot Your Flute Day

Give yourself a pat on the back and go ahead: toot your own horn (or flute). No musical talent is required to talk up your own game and indulge in some self-promotion.

* Compile a list of reasons why you deserve a raise and present it to your boss.

* Tell your friends and family about your favorite accomplishments, large and small.

* Treat yourself to a night on the town, a mini vacation or a shopping spree, because, well you're that good.

* Woo an ex back by reminding them of your best qualities.

National Taco Day

Do you like your tacos American-style with ground beef, lettuce and tomato in a crispy corn shell? Or do you prefer the more traditional taco in a hot tortilla filled with mashed beans and flavorful shredded meat? Thank the Aztecs for the flat bread made from corn (flour in Northern Mexico) that is the foundation of the taco. The first known publication for a taco recipe appeared in Bertha Haffner-Ginger's 1914 "California Mexican-Spanish Cook Book," according to What's Cooking America. You can make anything with taco fillings and flavors, like make taco spaghetti or salad.

Frederic Remington's 150th Birth Anniversary

His art was masculine, Western and detailed. The American West, Native Americans, horses and cowboys inspired "Harper's Weekly" illustrator, Frederic Remington. He evolved into an oil painter, watercolor painter and bronze sculptor Remington died at the young age of 48 following an appendectomy. Oct. 4 is the 150th anniversary of his birth.

* Visit the Frederic Remington Art Museum in Ogdensburg, N.Y., to view his work. Dozens of museums in the U.S. display Remington's art. Locate one here.

Ten-Four Day

Just say yes today. It's Ten-Four Day (Oct. 4, or 10/4), a day to recognize the phrase "Ten-Four" and to say stay affirmative. Say yes as many times as you can today to commemorate this odd holiday.

World Space Week

The United Nation celebrates World Space Week from Oct. 4 to 10. The date is significant because the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, was launched on Oct. 4, 1957.

"The Sputnik launch changed everything. As a technical achievement, Sputnik caught the world's attention and the American public off-guard. Its size was more impressive than Vanguard's intended 3.5-pound payload. ... The public feared that the Soviets' ability to launch satellites also translated into the capability to launch ballistic missiles that could carry nuclear weapons from Europe to the U.S. Then the Soviets struck again; on Nov. 3, Sputnik II was launched, carrying a much heavier payload, including a dog named Laika" according to the NASA History Curator.


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Monday, September 26, 2011

Fishing Lodge Alaska - A Trip To Remember

When fishing in Alaska timing is important. Quite simply each types of seafood has a period when they're most available so when there's a good amount of that one seafood. When booking a reservation and among the resorts, determine when the seafood you need to catch can be found throughout your visit.
Besides seeing the sights and going through periodic alterations in weather there's simply relaxing. Consider preventing in the nearest fishing lodge Alaska. You will find a lot of packages available and thus many offers that you simply surely will discover one for the family.
An excellent fishing lodge Alaska is that provides all of the amenities with quick access towards the water. Any package will include close closeness towards the oceanfront lodging, great foods, guide services and seafood processing. Which means you get all you need all-in-one trip? You will find many options in fishing lodges.

Alaska also provides an excellent variety and volume of seafood to become caught. They may be caught in various parts of the condition and also at various seasons. Alaska most widely used seafood may be the fish and also the runner up is halibut. Within the South central area you will find various options of fishing lodges. By searching the net or visiting you might discover which lodge is better to meet your requirements and who provides the best package and prices.
Fishing lodge Alaska are perfectly situated in places that the waters are full of the various types of seafood. Typically, these lodges have reached a location where northern pike, trout, and grayling commonly inhabit the waters.

Best fishing lodges provide valued deals for food, shelter, and fishing equipment rental fees. How will you choose what is the greatest for you? Choose what area has got the seafood you're searching to trap. Prices vary on regions, lodges, seasons and also packaging. Package can begin from $75 and can range as much as 1000's of bucks. Guides are incorporated during the packages to inform you the location and in which the seafood reside, how you can catch them best so when is a great time for you to go fishing.
Many love seafood and can provide the greatest fishing trip to increase the time for achievement. This will help you stay returning for additional. Alaska fishing lodges provides stays from four up to seven nights plus provides a number of choices to satisfy the client's desires and needs. The majority of lodging are possessed and functioned by Alaskan citizens.
Most Alaska Fishing Lodges are made large enough to occupy 16 visitors, by which each guest can acquire personal and individualized services. Additionally, since it transports the real Alaskan heritage, the Alaska Fishing Lodges provides services and items that may be given by anybody. Using its affordable rates, the area is lived on by people, who mostly wish to enjoy existence and fishing but can't afford to purchase the pleasures in costly beaches and lodges.

Among all fishing lodges available in the market today, the Alaska Fishing Lodges are probably the most treasured and many popular fishing lodges within the States. With all of these beautiful features contained in every Alaska Fishing Lodge, there's no better spot to enjoy fishing and also the backwoods like what this specific lodge can provide. Remaining within an Alaska Fishing Lodge is, indeed, a supreme fishing experience.


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All about furniture ? Blog Archive ? Garage Sale: Plenty of Bargins ...

From motorcycle gear to pool tables for the guys and handbags to shoes for the girls, garage sales offer it all. This weekend seems to be a big one for the organized community-wide events. These are great because shoppers can head to one neighborhood and hit several sales quickly. The participating houses usually mark with balloons and signs. Bring cash and be ready to get a bargain.

Around Cumming

3160 Cates Avenue, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Included in the sale will be furniture, clothing and household items.?

4150 Matt Highway, Saturday. This is a multi-family sale.

7335 Mt. Tabor Road, Saturday, 8 a.m. This is a large garage sale.

Ivey Falls Subdivision, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Furniture, baby items, kids items and home decor will be for sale.?

Windermere Community, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is a huge community wide event with many homes participating.?

4845 Haley Farms Drive, Saturday. Vera Bradley items, furniture and household items will be for sale.?

Subdivision off Sargent Rd, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. More than 16 families will be participating in the sale.?

685 Oakmont Hill, Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. This is a multi-family sale with a lot of variety of items.?

Hwy 369 and Hwy 9, Saturday. Clothes, a piano, craft supplies and home improvement items will be for sale.?

1333 Pilgrim Lake Drive, Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Collectibles, furniture and other high end items will be available.

4555 Dennington Trace, Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The entire contents of this house must be sold.?

Highlands at Sawnee Mountain, Saturday. This is a neighborhood wide sale.?

9035-9045 Creekstone Place, Saturday, 8 a.m. This is a multi-family sale with a great variety of items available.?

400 Maple Ridge Court, Saturday. Clothing, sporting goods, electronics, toys and more will be available.?

Sewells Farm, Saturday, 8 a.m. This is a large multi-family neighborhood sale.?

Hopewell Manor Subdivision, Saturday, 7 a.m. This is a large neighborhood sale.?

4946 Shiloh Road, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is a charity sale.?

1480 Mystic Ridge Place, Saturday, 8 a.m. Many baby and household items will be available.?

3225 Forest Circle, Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is a huge baby garage sale.?

1270 Greenwood Acres Drive, Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This sale will include sports items, furniture, electronics, garage items and more.?

2150 Pilgrim Mill Way, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. This sale will include sports items, electronics, toys and more.

2040 Apple Valley Court, Saturday, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is a large garage sale.?

4985 Hopewell Manor Drive, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. New designer jeans and clothes as well as new American Girl items will be for sale.?

Around Alpharetta

1015 Braesridge Way, Saturday, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Designer handbags, home decor and furniture will be available.?

275 Huntington Circle, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Racing suits, motorcycle gear, china, clothing, collectibles and more will be for sale.?

Park Forest Subdivision, Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. China, furniture and household items are included in the sale.?

13235 Freemanville Road, Saturday 8 a.m. to noon. Included in the sale are furniture items, landscape company items, kitchenware, clothing and more.?

1100 Pine Grove Drive, Saturday all day. Five families are involved in this huge sale.?

13675 Cogburn Road, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Household items, yard items Avon products and more will be available.?

15465 Alpha Woods Drive, Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday noon to 5 p.m. This is a huge sale with collectibles and estate items from all over the world.

Berkshire Manor Subdivision, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is a mostly baby items sale.?

260 Wendy Hill Drive, Saturday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Crystal, furniture, an aquarium and more will be available.

770 Gates Mill Way, Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Furniture, clothing, electronics and household items will be available.

Caney Creek Subdivison, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Kids and women?s clothing as well as household items are for sale.?

875 Kings Arms Way, Saturday, 8 a.m. Included in the sale will be electronics, furniture, clothing and home decor.?

Harbour Ridge Subdivision, Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is a multi-family sale.

14660 Glencreek Way, Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. This is a huge renovation sale and many home items will be for sale.

Around Johns Creek

685 Oakmont Hill, Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. Collectibles, china, furniture, toys, electronics and more will be available.

Country Club of the South, Designer clothing, jewelry, furniture and handbags will be available all weekend.

Around Roswell

370 Wickerberry Lane, Saturday, 8 a,m, to noon. This is a large sale with many quality items.?

5120 Post Oak Tritt Road, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. This large moving sale will include furniture, holiday items and home decor.?

115 Lazy Laurel Chase, Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Included in the sale are kids items, furniture, decorations and a pool table.?

11755 Highland Colony Drive, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Furniture, fabric, dishes and more will be available.

Listings were obtained from Craigslist.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Privacy, Post Modernism, Sex, Teachers and Students, by Marc ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]In the meantime, let me make a few remarks about sex, privacy, and student-teacher relationships. 1) There are many potential models of sexual engagement. One of them is committed monogamy. This is a wildly beautiful deep and profound ...


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Global leaders struggle to calm recession fears (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The world's major economic powers are pledging to launch a bold effort to deal with a chronic slowdown in growth and a European debt crisis threatening to push the global economy into another recession. But it was unclear whether their strong words would be backed up by equally strong actions.

The statement by the Group of 20 major economies was issued late Thursday and pledged that the countries, which represent 85 percent of the global economy, would do what was necessary to restore financial stability and clam financial markets which had plunged on Thursday over renewed fears of a global downturn.

The finance officials of traditional economic powers such as the United States, Japan and Germany and major emerging nations such as China, Brazil and India were seeking to demonstrate strong resolve in the hope that it will calm jitters that had sent financial markets down sharply. The United States was represented in the discussions by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

"We are taking strong actions to maintain financial stability, restore confidence and support growth," the G-20 joint statement said. "We commit to take all actions to preserve the stability of banking systems and financial markets as required."

The G-20 group had not been scheduled to issue a statement after their working dinner but the turmoil on Thursday in global markets resulted in a change in plans. The group issued a one-page document that they hoped would demonstrate sufficient resolve.

The statement did little to reassure anxious investors. European markets fell sharply on Friday and Wall Street was set to open with further declines. In Asia, traders continued to dump stocks amid growing fears of a new global recession.

French Finance Minister Francoise Baroin told reporters the statement represented a "strong global" response to what he called a "very serious situation."

The statement was issued in advance of the start Friday of the annual meetings of the 187-nation International Monetary Fund and its sister lending organization, the World Bank. The discussions, which will wrap up on Saturday, have been dominated by the European debt crisis.

A senior U.S. Treasury official who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity to discuss the closed-door discussions said that all the G-20 countries felt there was a sense of urgency to take strong actions to deal with the financial market turmoil.

Investors are worried that Europe's debt crisis could destabilize the global economy at a time when growth has already slowed significantly due to a jump in oil prices earlier in the year and a pronounced slowdown in the United States, the world's largest economy.

The Dow Jones industrial average sank 391 points on Thursday, marking the second-straight day of massive losses on Wall Street.

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said the world was entering a "dangerous phase" and World Bank President Robert Zoellick said he still believed the globe could avoid a double-dip recession "but my confidence in that belief is being eroded daily."

Greece could default on its debt next month unless it receives a $10.9 billion installment from a bailout fund managed by the European Central Bank, the European Commission and the IMF.

A default could destabilize other financially troubled European countries, such as Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy. It would also deal a blow to many European banks, which are large holders of Greek government bonds.

Major emerging economies including Brazil, India, China, Russia and South Africa said in a statement they would "consider, if necessary, providing support through the IMF or other international financial institutions" to address the European debt crisis. But the group played down suggestions that they would be willing to purchase government debt of troubled European countries.

Geithner said the United States has a huge stake in seeing Europe succeed and the G-20 group discussed proposals he has raised to expand the resources of the European bailout fund by using methods the United States employed during its own financial crisis in 2008-2009.

The G-20 communique spoke of trying to increase the flexibility of the rescue fund and maximize its resources but spelled out no specific ways to accomplish those goals.

The joint statement also said the G-20 nations planned to produce a "collective and bold action plan" to boost global growth and deal with high government debt to be unveiled in time for a summit of G-20 leaders including President Barack Obama in Cannes, France, on Nov. 3-4. However, the communique gave no hint of what would be included in the new action plan.

Europe has struggled to convince financial markets that it has the will to prevent a catastrophic debt default by Greece that could cascade to other highly indebted European countries and the United States has been unable to produce a long-term deficit reduction because of a deadlock between Democrats and Republicans about the role spending cuts and tax increases should play in the program.

Faced with the deadlock in Congress, the Federal Reserve on Wednesday said it will try to push long-term interest rates lower and make consumer and business loans cheaper by shifting $400 billion out of short-term Treasury securities and into longer-term bonds. Economists, however, doubt the plan will do much given that U.S. interest rates are already near record lows.


Associated Press writers Harry Dunphy, Luis Alonso Lugo and Christopher S. Rugaber contributed to this report.


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Murdoch paper hacked minister's voice mail: sources (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? Rupert Murdoch's News of the World hacked extensively into the voice mail of a minister in Britain's former Labour government, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The unauthorized access to voice mails left for Denis MacShane in 2004 and 2005, as he served as Minister for Europe, is one of a handful of cases to surface involving a serving government official in the phone hacking scandal that has engulfed Murdoch's News Corp.

A private detective hired by the weekly tabloid, which was closed by Murdoch in July as controversy over phone hacking allegation raged, hacked the voice mails left for MacShane, according to the three people familiar with documentary evidence held by British police.

MacShane remains a Member of Parliament, representing the city of Rotherham, South Yorkshire.

Some of MacShane's messages hacked by Glenn Mulcaire, a private detective who worked on retainer for the News of the World, included voice mails from Joan Smith, a newspaper columnist and crime novelist with whom MacShane had a personal relationship at the time, the evidence shows.

The people familiar with the evidence said that the News of the World's objective in hacking MacShane's and Smith's messages appeared to be to discover more information about their private relationship. However, the paper never published a story on the subject.

At one point, according to documents police seized from Mulcaire, the private eye wrote down details, apparently obtained from MacShane's voice mail, relating to a trip MacShane was about to take to Spain. The details included MacShane's flight number and arrival times, one of the sources said.

Another source familiar with the evidence said that Mulcaire's records included the home and mobile phone numbers of MacShane, Smith and MacShane's brother, and that the Spain trip information hacked by Mulcaire related to a confidential mission MacShane was making in his capacity as one of Prime Minister Tony Blair's principal advisors on Europe.

"The idea that the (newspaper) could get into phones of a senior government official was worrying," this source said. An official familiar with British government security measures said that such phone hacking might have raised questions about security at Britain's Foreign Office, although it probably would not have been regarded as a major breach of national security.

MacShane and Smith declined requests to comment for this story. But Tamsin Allen, a lawyer with the London firm Bindmans LLP who represents MacShane, said police were in possession of phone-hacking notes made by Mulcaire about MacShane which contained information on MacShane and Smith. She said that MacShane had launched a hacking-related legal claim against the Murdoch organization.

A representative of News International, Murdoch's London-based newspaper company, said the company was not commenting on any individual cases. But this person said: "News International continues to cooperate fully with the Metropolitan Police Service in its investigations. We are eager to assist it in any way possible to ensure that those responsible for criminal acts are brought to justice."

Sarah Webb, a lawyer for Mulcaire, declined to comment.


One of the sources familiar with the evidence of how Mulcaire hacked MacShane and Smith's messages said that the evidence strongly suggested that the hacking had been requested by a News of the World journalist other than Clive Goodman, a former Royal correspondent who was the first journalist at the tabloid to be implicated in phone hacking.

In 2007, Goodman and Mulcaire both were briefly jailed after they pleaded guilty to charges alleging that they hacked into the voice mail of aides to members of Britain's royal family.

Top Murdoch company executives in London said at the time that the hacking by Mulcaire and Goodman was an isolated occurrence. But evidence has surfaced recently that the practice was much more widespread.

MacShane is one of several dozen people who believe they were targets of media intrusion who have been granted status as "core participants" in a wide-ranging public inquiry into media reporting practices which was set up on the orders of Britain's current coalition government.

The inquiry, led by Lord Justice Brian Leveson, an English appeals court judge, is expected to begin hearing evidence in the next few weeks. Joan Smith has also been granted "core participant" status by the Leveson inquiry.

According to a person familiar with the inquiry, core participant status means that the inquiry will pay for a senior lawyer to advise and represent the participant at the inquiry. At some point the participant also will be granted access to evidence police collected during their phone-hacking related investigations.

People familiar with police inquiries related to phone hacking said that London's Metropolitan Police Service, also known as Scotland Yard, obtained much of the key evidence of alleged News of the World phone hacking years ago, at the time of Mulcaire and Goodman's initial arrest. But the evidence was not acted upon until police opened aggressive new inquiries into alleged media abuses earlier this year.

One of the issues the Leveson inquiry will examine is how Scotland Yard handled its investigations of phone hacking and other media practices over the years.

(Reporting by Mark Hosenball; Editing by Tim Dobbyn)


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Friday, September 23, 2011

Cream Cheese Recipes | Patchwy's Blog For Food and Drink

Article by Audrey Okaneko

When I think of cream cheese, I immediately think of bagels. I love bagels and cream cheese. However cream cheese is wonderful in many other recipes.

I think one of my favorite recipes is crab and cream cheese wontons. Although meant as an appetizer, I can easily devour a dozen of them leaving no room for the actual dinner.

Crab and Cream Cheese Wontons

4 ounces of crab meat (you can use fresh or canned) 2 ounces cream cheese (solid is best, not whipped)1/4 teaspoon grated lemon zest 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt or to taste 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 2 teaspoons chivesSmall dish of waterWonton wrappers

Mix the crab, cream cheese, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt, pepper and chives together. Taste and adjust seasoning to your taste.

Put a spoonful of mixture into each wonton shell. Use water to moisten the edges and fold into triangles.

When ready to eat, heat in oil until brown on both sides.

Another of my favorite recipes using cream cheese is this recipe for chocolate cupcakes, using cream cheese to make them very moist:Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcakes1 package chocolate cake mix (any brand)1 package cream cheese (softened)1/2 cup white sugar1 egg1 cup mini chocolate chips (I always use milk chocolate, as I like the cupcakes sweet)

Preheat oven to 350F. Put cupcake papers into pan. Prepare chocolate cake mix according to package instructions and set aside. In a separate bowl, mix together the sugar and the softened cream cheese until smooth. Beat egg and add to sugar mixture, mix well. Gently mix in the chocolate chips. Fill cupcake cases 1/2 full of chocolate cake batter. Then add 1 full teaspoon of cream cheese mixture to center. Top with more chocolate cake batter. Cupcake cups should be 3/4 full. Bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes or until tops spring back when lightly touched in center.

Note: You can use peanut butter chips instead of chocolate chips for a wonderful peanut butter and chocolate taste.

And finally, a wonderful cream cheese dip to serve with either crackers or vegetables:

Horseradish & Cream Cheese Dip2 packages (3 oz. each) cream cheese, softened 2 tablespoons prepared horseradish 1/4 cup mayonnaise (I use low fat)1/4 teaspoon salt pepper to taste (experiment using both white and black pepper) 6 slices of bacon, crumbled

Mix the cream cheese, horseradish, mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Add bacon pieces and mix. Refrigerate over night so flavors can blend.This is just a small sample of what you can do with cream cheese as your main ingredient in recipes.

Bon Appetite!!

Audrey?s mom always entertained when she was growing up. Audrey learned to prepare for large groups and has often entertained 15-30 people in her home at a time. You can find more great recipes at


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Details You must Know About Your Green Tea - Hi-Pro Animal Health

In the course of ancient times, the Chinese have studied and proved the medicinal properties and positive aspects of green tea. It can be located that green tea has many wellness positive aspects compared to other food or drinks. It can be used by the Chinese individuals to remedy straightforward headaches to depression. Green tea had been used as medicine for 4,000 years proving only that it can be a single of the most common remedy among many illness.

Details about Green Tea

Reduces the danger of having cancer by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells particularly on the colon, pancreas, rectum, bladder, esophagus, and stomach with out harming healthy cells

Valuable for those who have rheumatoid arthritis

Reduce the danger of having hypertension and elevated blood pressure

Reduces the cholesterol level inside the body

Increases metabolism

Assists body to fight viruses and bacteria by improving the defense action of the immune technique

Reduces the procedure of thrombosis which assists decrease heart attacks and strokes

Green tea also assists destroy free of charge radicals

Assists in decreasing fatigue and anxiety because of its calming action

Fights cardio vascular diseases

Green tea can also be recognized for its antibacterial anti viral properties

The secret of green tea is its catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin (EGCG) which can be a effective anti oxidants

EGCG is twice as effective as reservatol whose action would be to lower the incidence of heart condition

Green tea comes from Camelia sinesis plant

What sets green tea apart from other tea will be the way it was processed, green tea leaves are steamed which prevents the essential contents from being oxidized

By contrast other tea brands are created from fermented tea leaves; because of this the other components are converted into other compounds which might be not as effective as that of green tea

New evidence suggests that green tea assists dieters by eliminating excess fat from the body and assists the body burn far more calories compared to caffeine or perhaps a placebo

Green tea can even aid avoid tooth decay

The bacterial actions of green tea can aid avoid food poisoning

Wide variety of beauty goods now contains green tea are offered inside the marketplace that claims to have wonderful impact in beauty and wellness

Green tea capsules are now offered in wellness shops for those who do not need to drink tea

A cup of green tea contains caffeine amount of 20 to 70 milligrams

There are many sorts of green tea which might be offered inside the marketplace they differ on the amount of caffeine content

Harmful effects

To the present study and research green tea have verified a whole lot of positive aspects and medicinal properties but in terms of dangerous effects of green tea had been reported to contribute to insomnia or difficulty of sleep skilled by users. Green tea is advised to be taken at the very least three to 4 cups day-to-day and not to be taken as substitute for water.

Caffeine will be the ingredient located in green tea that contributes to sleeping difficulty but its caffeine contents is much less compared to that of coffee and black tea. Other components of green tea need to also be controlled for it may contribute to liver troubles.

For pregnant mothers and for below medications it is necessary to ask your physician just before consuming the beverage for some components of green tea may have reactions with other compounds located in medications.


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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hugo Chavez finishing 4th round of chemotherapy (AP)

CARACAS, Venezuela ? Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Wednesday that he was finishing his fourth round of chemotherapy in Cuba and expressed optimism that he will not require any further treatment.

Chavez spoke by phone from Havana to hundreds of supporters who gathered at the Riverside Church in New York to pray for his health. Those in the church included Bolivian President Evo Morales and the foreign ministers of Cuba and Argentina.

"Those prayers today have great meaning for me," Chavez said in the call, which was broadcast on Venezuelan state television. "We're closing the fourth round of chemotherapy and with the grace of God, this will be sufficient."

"I'm just about to finish," Chavez said. "It's something malignant that's turning into something benign."

"I promise you I will live," he said.

He supporters chanted: "Oh, no, Chavez won't go!"

Chavez underwent surgery in Cuba in June to remove a tumor from his pelvic region. Since then, he has undergone three rounds of chemotherapy, and has said this should be the final phase.

Chavez has said previously that tests have shown no signs of a recurrence.

Venezuelan Vice President Elias Jaua said Wednesday that Chavez's health was steadily improving.

Chavez "is doing well, better every day," Jaua said.

(This version CORRECTS that Chavez said he was finishing, instead of finished with, fourtth round of chemotherapy.)


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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Advertise Your Home Business Online ? Tips For Success ...

Advertising plays an important part in any business. When it comes to advertising on the internet it is no different. The fundamental principles essentially remain the same. It is all about creating traffic for your website and doing the right things. Doing the right things will result in the right results.

A great advantage of online advertising is its way cheaper in comparison to traditional methods of advertising. Due to the ever growing recognition and use of the internet, the importance of advertising is unchallenged. Due to the power and size of the Internet you have access to a large target market. When dealing with businesses online advertising plays a very key role. It could also be very effective. By using a blend of online advertising techniques you could obtain a good number of visitors for your website

You could start out with creating an eye-catching and interesting advertisement. It is also equally important that your advertisement delivers your message clearly. The reason for having an attractive design is that the chances of people seeing it are higher. Banner ads are the most common forms of online advertising. It is said that the ads that have the fewer words and fewer images are the ones with the best designs. PPC ads are another method of profitable online advertising. To use PPC ads effectively and obtain maximum results you will need to make use of the space of the PPC ads efficiently. Another thing is to always use keywords in the ad and make the title and ads striking.

Another means of effective online advertising is Email marketing. An important fact to remember is that when creating email advertisements take care so that it doesn?t get labeled as Spam. Consider publishing a newsletter and include good, current content. Send these newsletters with fresh content no more than once a week or bi- weekly. You may opt to use blogs, RSS feeds, and forums for online advertising.

Due to the rapid growth of the internet worldwide, today it is the most significant medium for not only trade and commerce but also when it comes to advertising and promotions. Online advertising has created a revolution in the world of advertising and the time has come for you to get the best of it. has been helping moms realize their work at home dreams for over 10 years. With over 5 million visitors annually, Text Ads on Bizymoms top 40 offers variety of small business ideas and categories of interest to those planning to start a home business.


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Looking for some entertainment? Check out the Tri-State Fair and ...

Read?more: Local, Community, Entertainment, Outdoors, Tourism, News, Amarillo, Amarillo Fair, Tri State Fair, Fair, Tri State Fair and Rodeo, 88Th Tri State Fair and Rodeo, Tri State, Fair and Rodeo, Tri State Fair Grounds, Tri State Admission, Tri State Parking, Fair Admission, Fair Parking, Tri State Events

AMARILLO, TEXAS -- It's back for it's 88th year of rides, rodeo and of course, food.

The?Annual Tri-State Fair and Rodeo kicked off it's nine day long run this past Friday and for fair-goers this year, there's a whole lot to look forward too.

"We've got pig races during the day, we've got a pirate show, we've got Jerry Harris our hypnotist that comes every year. More popular things would be the food of course and then the rides", said Marketing Director for Tri-State Fair and Rodeo, Angela Ragland.

General admission ticket prices for adults 13 years and up are $10 and?ticket prices are?$5 for kids ages 6 to 12. Parking at Gate 4 is also going to cost you five bucks but, good news, you can park at Gate 1 for free.

You can bet, once you're in, it's sure to be a good time.

"The kids love the rides. This is the first time we've actually brought the boys out and they're having fun just playing out here", said local fair-goer as she stood with her family, Brenda Foster.

As if the rides, games, rodeo events and concerts aren't inviting enough, we know there's always one fair favorite that will sucker you in every time -- the food.

"Fried food is a big deal at the fair", said Ragland.

"My favorite part...the food", laughed Foster, "we already had our corn dog and you can get anything you want fried out here".

But a full tummy certainly won't be the only thing fair-goers take with them when they leave.

"You need to come to the fair and you need to come as a family and bring your kids because these are experiences that you can come out and have together and they're things that you'll do as a family and you'll never forget", continued Foster.

For more information -- pricing, event times, locations -- check out the?Tri-State Fair and Rodeo's website.


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