Friday, August 26, 2011

'The Legal Oracle' a New Pilot Television and Web Site Program is ...

gI latestnewoneAug30066.jpg The Legal Oracle a New Pilot Television and Web Site Program is in Development, Will be Shown on The Web, and Offered for Sale to Major Television and Cable TV Networks  Television Law New York, NY (PRWEB) October 27, 2007

?The Legal Oracle? a new pilot television and web site program is in development, will be shown on the web, and offered for sale to major television and cable TV networks.

The popular website ? will be expanded to include divorce products such as DVDS, and this television show.

The show is in the works with stream line videos and possible sales to television networks for entertainment value only

The Legal Oracle will showcase a NYC television analyst and a NYC divorce attorney who also dabbles in entertainment law, constitutional law and criminal law and will comment weekly on the funniest legal issues of the day.

The show has nothing to do with The Law Offices of Lisa Beth Older but is rather a separate entity linked to the site.

NY divorce lawyer and NY entertainment lawyer and NY criminal lawyer Lisa Beth Older is very entertaining and insightful in her predictions into the future on cases and interaction with the questions of the audience. This si for entertainment purposes and to provide opportunities for respectable viable advertisers interested in reaching volume viewer ship.

The legal perspective as to many areas of law will have humor to warm your heart.

Lisa Older practices many areas of law in New York. As a ny divorce lawyer [https:} attorney in New York she has practiced divorce in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Kingston, New York and Westchester County and will soon release a new ?entertainment page? in the works with stream line videos of her new Show ?The Legal Oracle**. The show as written by new york city divorce lawyer Lisa Beth Older of the Law Offices of Lisa Beth Older a matrimoinal law firm in nyc and upstate new york

Advertsiers or sponsors are encouraged to call at 845-750-1267 to find ot more about this fascinating telesion show destined reach hundreds of thousands of people each week.

The telecvision show is designed to appear on news shows as weekly clips, as its own one half hour sseries and will be available soon as a web site link as well to or Television law it its best. See your favorite ny entertainment lawyer nyc divorce lawyer and new york city criminal defense lawyer in action tissuing questions of criminal law, matrimonial law and new york divorce law.

The show will also cover the entire United States?s as to its pertinent legal issues of the day,and be offered for sale as news clips to major television networks.

Come read about the new star of the Legal Oracle at, which contains valuable divorce information for all those concerned.

Other products and services will include divorce related goods and services designed to help people go through a very tough time in their lives. Also see

The idea is to provide informative information in a highly entertaining way. It will also give advertisers a run for their money.

Recently the artist created a series of paintings entitled America?s most influential and beautiful mothers. Featured in this series were Hillary Clinton, Angelina Jolie, Melania Trump and Madonna. Recently she delivered a piece to Donald Trump, in honor of the birth of their son, Baron.

Presently she is being commissioned to paint for celebrities and other art clients and was invited to apply to become a member to the prestigious National Art Club, founded in 1896.

When asked what inspires her as an artist, Lisa Beth responded ?Only God knows what reflects my creative thought process. Usually I start with a subconscious image, something from the past. My technique, if I have one, is more about mathematics, addition but mostly subtraction of ugliness into a thing of beauty and dimension. I have begun to find peace and a feeling that life has something good to offer me. I paint for myself because I have to, having no regard for social convention. I work in a state of freedom, uninhibited, when I enter this sacred inner room filled with excitement and let my hands flow over the canvas as they like. Paper or canvas becomes important to me and my colors take precedent. I sprawl over anything when I get the urge to draw. My brush strokes are sometimes gentle and sometimes aggressive and in a trance-like state, out of reach from outer stimuli in close contact with the omniscient, things evolve beyond my control beyond my rational mind. I know when I am done, a peacefulness that always eludes me returns for just a minute or two; I have now found my little peace of heaven and I invite you to come and visit sometime.?

On a more professional level, nyc lawyers will engage in entertaining andectotes about NYC personal injury law.


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WGN Radio Petcast: Foster 2 Home, Pet Adoptions, Dog Saving ...

By Steve Dale, Wednesday at 7:41 am

WGN Radio Petcast: Foster 2 Home, Pet Adoptions, Dog Saving Network, and Taking Pet's Photos

This Petcast features variety, a new Foster organization to a benefit canine talent show to a new column at to taking photos of your pets to learning more about flea and tick products.

Listen HERE to this WGN Radio Steve Dale's Pet World PETCAST.?? (may take a few moments to load)

Fosters and rescues are traditionally about pulling pure-bred dogs from shelters; here comes along a new group called Foster 2 Home. Volunteer Foster hosts with Foster 2 Home focus on mixed-breed dogs. The volunteers assess each dog in a real home environment, and offer basic training, dramatically increasing each dog's chances of finding a forever adoption home. Louise Basgall and Chrissy Cognozzo of Foster 2 Home explain how this terrific program is succeeding.

Of course, Foster 2 Home does require resources to continue their amazing work. A fundraiser is being held August 28, called "Dogs Got Talent," noon at the Hotel Bolero (920 E. Northwester Highway, Palatine). Talented adopted dogs perform in a show with dog trainer Chris Dignan of the Dog Saving Network. I am thrilled to be the emcee for the event, which includes lunch, the performing dogs and a game show (the game show stars dogs - of course). Tickets to help this innovative rescue are $25 in advance, $30 at the door.? I really hope to see you there.

Oh, so many misconceptions about cats - and that upsets Susan Logan, editor of Cat Fancy magazine. We talk about everything from mistaken notions about black cats to my new column,? called The CATalyst, at

Taking better pictures of your pets with photographer? John Caruso. You can set yourself (and your camera) up for success. John offers lots of handy and practical tips for snapping your pets.

So, what's the difference between the FDA and the EPA?? If you buy flea, tick and heartworm products - you really should know, and Dr. Lisa Young, technical consultant from of Elanco Companion Animal Health explains.

Email your pet behavior questions to

Listen HERE to this WGN Radio Petcast.


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

England Home Match Soccer Socks | Soccer Sports Supplies

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Interior Design - Home Improvement And Decorating Remodeling

You love to bring a theme to a room, to make things look just so. Perhaps friends who visit your home make remarks about wishing they could hire you to fix up their place or that they never know what goes with what. If you seem to be a natural at interior decoration, why not become an interior designer?

There are steps you can take that will ease you onto the road to becoming a professional interior designer, bringing your passion to life.

The terms interior designer and interior decorator are often used interchangeably. Both generally mean that you will create a pleasant space in the dimensions given that you won?t make major structural changes in the house. This is important as actually altering the configuration of a house, or a room, may need a permit, license and there may be other red tape which involves building contractors and other professionals.

That said, if you want to do interior decoration for a living, the following considerations may be of help.

Education and training:

While you may be able to hang out a shingle and proclaim yourself an interior designer, you may also not have too many clients. In general, people looking to hire you will want to know where you received your education. There are a lot of schools out there, many of them reputable. However, be sure to do your research before you pay for a series of classes that will never do anything except take your money.

Training will likely be more important than the mere fact that you?ve been educated in interior decoration. While it may take longer, getting a job with an established interior designer may make things easier for you in the long run. Not only will you make a salary (though just starting out may mean the salary is rather small), you will learn on the job and receive real-world training.


Prepare a portfolio:

No matter what you do, a prospective employer or client will want to see what you can do, in a range of interior design options. Can you create a chic country look? How about a warm, modern feel? How can you prove it? This is where your portfolio comes in. When you work on an interior decoration project, you?ll want to take lots of pictures, have them organized and easy to go through. Your portfolio will sell you, so make sure it?s a tool that shows off the best you have to offer.


Your home is your personal showcase. Try different looks within it, just to see what looks good. While you may have found the perfect interior decoration for your living room, try switching things up. While it may not be the look for you, someone else may like it. Plus, you?ll have the chance to step back and figure out why something doesn?t look right?or why it looks great.

Tap your friends for help. There?s no reason you can?t offer your interior design services to friends, as long as you get to take pictures of the finished product for your portfolio. Be sure to take before-and-after pictures to showcase your interior designer talent as you create a wonderful living space. If cost is a problem, try using what is currently there or find different, cheaper options, like moving furniture from other rooms in the house.


Attend home shows as an interior designer. Take your portfolio, dress up a corner of the booth, or raffle off a free interior design consultation. Your name needs to be out there in order to create a business.

Try and visit home shows even if you don?t rent any space. Introduce yourself to the various participants and hand out business cards. Get in touch with established interior designers; ask them how they got started, if they have any tips for someone just starting out. Usually there is plenty of business in an area to go around. Talk to builders and contractors, offering interior decoration for their model homes.

Make sure you have good business cards. They are often your longest-lasting impression on potential clients, and a badly designed card doesn?t fill people with confidence that you?ll do great interior decoration. You don?t want to be a nuisance, but giving your business card when you are introduced to someone is a good way to get your name out there.


What type of interior design do you want to do? If you want to work on office buildings, building a portfolio of cozy bedrooms will not help you much. If you want to create wonderful interior decoration on a shoestring budget, talking to a contractor who works on multimillion dollar homes will likely be a waste.

Continue to learn your craft:

Even if you take every step known to man to become an interior designer, if you forget to continue learning your craft, you will likely not get far. Interior design changes regularly. Trends alter, offices and homes change, and you should be prepared to adjust. Subscribe to interior design magazines, join a group of decorating professionals, make sure you watch trends? basically take steps so that you and your work never become stagnant. Only in this way can you offer fresh ideas to your clients.

There isn?t a quick way to be an interior designer, particularly if you want to be a good one. However, the above steps will hopefully ease your way along that path. Above all, be sure to enjoy your chosen profession, for that?s the best way in which you can always please yourself and your client.

Related posts:

  1. Interior Decorator ? Ways to become an Interior Decorator
  2. Eight Tips for Hiring an Interior Designer
  3. Interior Designer Vs Interior Decorator ? Do They Perform the Same Service?
  4. Interior Designer ? Learn More About It
  5. Interior Designer Or Interior Decorator? What?s The Difference?


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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Virginia Quake Raises More Questions about U.S. East Coast Infrastructure

Features | Technology

The U.S. east coast endures far fewer temblors than the west coast, but damage to dams on the "right coast" could be significant given the older architecture

Image: Conowingo Dam, 16 October 1996, Copyright 1996 by Edward J. Clear/Wikimedia Commons

Could it happen here? That was the big question in the U.S. in the hours and days after a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and resulting tsunami crippled the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and destroyed the surrounding region. Most American worries focused on the integrity of our nation's rapidly aging nuclear power plants, many of which are still churning through uranium long past the reactors' original expected lifetimes. Fears were piqued again August 23 when a magnitude 5.8 temblor struck central Virginia, threatening power plants up and down the east coast. But a quieter danger lingers near many of our cities and towns. Tens of thousands of dams, many built before seismic engineering came of age, have the potential to release tsunami-like flash floods in the event of a seismic breach.

In 2009 the American Society of Civil Engineers released a survey of the state of infrastructure in the U.S. The group found that dams are, on average, in terrible disrepair. Of the more than 85,000 dams, more than 4,000 are unsafe or deficient, and nearly 1,800 of those are located where a breach would cause severe damage to life or property. With so many dams, it is hard to know where the gravest danger lies. The average budget for dam inspectors is distressingly low. For instance, Texas employs just seven inspectors to keep an eye on 7,400 dams, and in many states inspectors lack the authority to inspect private dams, including those built to hold back the chemical by-products of mining operations. A report by Switzerland's Paul Scherrer Institute estimates that dams are the most potentially hazardous source of energy. A catastrophe at an average dam has the potential to kill 11,000 people. The second-most-hazardous energy source? Nuclear.

Decades ago, engineers frequently built dams using a slurry of soil and water that would eventually settle into place. Unfortunately, an earthquake might liquefy the core of the dam. Although these dams were most often built in locations that were not thought to suffer from earthquakes (the Lower San Fernando Dam that nearly failed in a 1971 earthquake in the Los Angeles area is a notable exception), our knowledge of just where and when an earthquake may strike is no longer limited to the west coast. "New York City wasn't supposed to be seismic 20 or 30 years ago," says Tarek Abdoun, a civil engineer at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, "but the standard for what should require seismic loading has changed." In the past few decades, seismologists have discovered potentially serious fault lines everywhere from the Carolinas to Missouri.

Engineers have begun the process of retrofitting dams that suddenly are found to be located in earthquake-prone areas. But progress is slow and expensive. The Association of State Dam Safety Officials estimates that $50 billion would be needed to repair all the nation's faulty dams. Until that money comes through, fragile nuclear reactors should not be our only worry.


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